Two dimensional watercolor painting.

Animals of Madagascar

Watercolor | 11” X 9”

In 2019, I traveled to Madagascar to collaborate with local scientists at ExplorerHome: Madagascar Science Center. I was invited to assist with the facilitation of an immersive science camp for Malagasy students in the Mahatsinjo forest, a high-altitude rainforest in Tsinjoarivo-Ambalaomby. I created this illustration for their celebration ceremony after students completed the program.

It includes some of the species we observed in the forest; Mouse Lemur, Short-horned Chameleon, Madagascar Sunset Moth, and a Jewelled Chameleon. More info about the camp and ExplorerHome can be found at:

Sciencing Out Project: Connecting Malagasy Students and Scientists

ExplorerHome Builds Enthusiasm for STEM Fields in Madagascar

Photo Credit Jeff Sellenrick Photography

Available in Print Shop