Two dimensional artwork collage on wood made with gold leaf, paper collage, watercolor, acrylic, and wood burning techniques.


Gold Leaf, Paper Collage, Watercolor, Acrylic, Wood Burning on Wood | 41” X 40”
$1,275 (unframed & not including shipping) Contact me for purchasing

This story is about a relational process. A place to become lost and found within the expansive movement of the wind and waves. A safe space to share broken pieces and receive. This relational process mirrors natural movements within the waves, their taking and giving to the lands as the trees and their roots provide stability. 

Wood burning was used to accentuate the natural patterns of the wood panel within the trees. To portray the waves as they glisten under a moonlit sky, I used gold paint and paper collage. I incised and collaged leaves with gold leaf to create contrasts against the bark and wave textures. Watercolor was used to create the sky.

Photo Credit Jeff Sellenrick Photography

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