Two dimensional artwork collage on wood made with ink, paper collage, watercolor, and wood burning techniques.

Madagascar Rainforest

6” X 12”
Ink, Paper Collage, Watercolor & Wood Burning on Wood
$300 (unframed & not including shipping) Contact me for purchasing

I created this piece after visiting the Mahatsinjo forest, a high-altitude rainforest in Tsinjoarivo-Ambalaomby of Eastern Madagascar. I had the pleasure of exploring this ecosystem alongside Malagasy scientists and students during an immersive science camp facilitated by ExplorerHome Madagascar Science Center. After compiling photographs from our time in the forest, I created this composition. It reflects the feeling of abundance, support, and friendship that marks every memory of the experience.

I incised the trees into the wooden panel using a wood burner and created depth by layering ink, collaged paper, and watercolor. More info about the camp and ExplorerHome can be found at:

Sciencing Out Project: Connecting Malagasy Students and Scientists

ExplorerHome Builds Enthusiasm for STEM Fields in Madagascar

Photo Credit Jeff Sellenrick Photography

Available in Print Shop