Two dimensional abstract artwork collage made with acetate, hand sewing techniques, watercolor paint, and illustrations of insects.


40” X 35.5”
Acetate, Hand Sewing, Paper Collage, & Watercolor
$1,480 (unframed & not including shipping) Contact me for purchasing

Goliath moths, giant leaf insects, dragonflies, and luna moths inspired this artwork. These insects often hide in plain sight among the pieces-patterns, shapes, and textures-of a landscape. Once your eye is attuned to their presence, another world comes to life that inspires the imagination.

I began this piece by hand sewing tracing paper shapes, allowing the material to determine the form organically. I painted the insects and layered tracing paper on top to emphasize concealed worlds. This work represents the pieces of an ecosystem that layer together to create sustaining structures which support life.

Photo Credit Institute of Contemporary Art Baltimore

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